Two forms of EPA and DHA delivery described: triglycerides (TG) with a glycerol backbone, and ethyl esters (EE) with an ethanol backbone. EE is linked to cardiovascular health benefits.

Two Forms of EPA & DHA Delivery



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Omega-3 fatty acids are an important part of the diet, but not every fatty acid is created equally. They can be delivered in two different forms, each with unique properties. Triglycerides (TGs) deliver fatty acids that are bound to a glycerol backbone, while ethyl esters (EEs) deliver fatty acids bound to an ethanol backbone. TG is the natural form, and through a process called ethylation, the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA are cleaved from the glycerol backbone, allowing them to form EEs. The ethyl ester form is commonly used for condition-specific interventions, and studies have found a beneficial relationship between omega-3 fatty acids in EE form and cardiovascular health.


A person uses a glucometer to test blood sugar, inserting a test strip into a device. Nearby, a lancet and a small container are on a white surface.