About this Episode
In the sixth and final episode of Plant Power, the fourth season of the WholisticMatters Podcast Series, hosts Sara Le Brun Blashka, MS, Meghan Hamrock, MS, MPH, and Kara Credle discuss the realistic application of plant power in practice and in life. Paired with a final clinical commentary from Dave Hogsed, DOM, AP, this episode ties together the concepts of the whole food matrix, nutrient availability, plant genetics, organic farming, phytonutrients and the colors of food to deliver a message vital for practitioners and nutrition enthusiasts alike: a diverse diet of colorful, plant-based foods supports a healthy life.
How can the average person realistically adopt a lifestyle that includes ample “colors” from fruits and vegetables, and how can practitioners support their patients looking to build such a lifestyle? This discussion offers practical solutions to address many perceived issues preventing individuals from making healthy changes, making the argument that a healthy, colorful diet is a long-term, sustainable, enjoyable option for everyone interested in making a healthier choice for their body.
Learn more about the colors of food in relation to human health.