A person bites into a carrot, their hand gripping the vegetable's green tops. The context is a close-up view, highlighting teeth and lips with pink lipstick.

Alfalfa: Nutrient and Phytonutrient Profile

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The alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa Linn.) is grown for its unique blend of protein, B vitamins, and minerals. It is a perennial flowering legume widely grown across the world. The sprouts and whole plant material can be used to deliver essential nutrients and phytoactive compounds.

Learn more about alfalfa.

Other materials in the Color of Food series include:

Read more about alfalfa.

Learn more about the importance of a whole food philosophy.


A person uses a glucometer to test blood sugar, inserting a test strip into a device. Nearby, a lancet and a small container are on a white surface.