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Weight Loss and Blood Pressure Reduction Success with 16:8 Diet for Obese Individuals

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Intermittent fasting, specifically the “16:8” fasting diet, may be beneficial for obese individuals.

Intermittent fasting, specifically the “16:8” fasting diet, may be beneficial for obese individuals. A June 2018 Nutrition and Healthy Aging study showed that this eating approach successfully lead to weight loss and blood pressure reduction for obese individuals.

16:8 is an intermittent fasting diet where people eat whatever they want for eight hours and eat nothing (fast) for the remaining 16 hours of every day. Positive health benefits associated with intermittent fasting eating patterns are connected to humans’ evolutionary history with high-level functioning even when food-deprived.1

Researchers designed a 12-week trial to test the effects of the 16:8 diet on obese individuals, measuring changes in body weight and metabolic disease risk factors to ultimately find that the diet helped study participants lose weight and lower blood pressure.

For more information, read the original Medical News Today article.

Learn More.


A person uses a glucometer to test blood sugar, inserting a test strip into a device. Nearby, a lancet and a small container are on a white surface.