Scientific name:Grindelia robusta
- Flavonoids: (acacetin, kumatakenin, quercetin & hydroxycinnamic acids)
- Volatile oil (borneol, a-pinene, trans-pinocarveol, bornyl acetate, and limonene)
- Saponins: Grindelin & triterpenoid sapogenin lactone (grindeliasapogenin D)
- Diterpene Alkaloids: Grindeline (bitter)
- Selenium
- Resin
- Tannins
Medicinal actions:
- Antispasmodic
- Bitter
- Diuretic
- Expectorant (soothing/relaxing)
- Nervine Relaxant
- Vulnerary
Mechanism of Action & Pharmacology:
- Very little known.
- Volatile oils may have irritant effects upon the kidneys thus promoting diuresis and have a topical rubefacient effect.
- Flavonoids and anti-inflammatory and possess some antimicrobial activity.
- Has a bitter taste which increase flow of saliva and other digestive secretions.
- Tincture
- Infusion
- Topical application as needed: best as compress or poultice
Safety & Toxicity Concerns:
- Little known. Use caution with long-term use.
- None known