Scientific Name: Syzygium aromaticum
- Volatile oil: eugenol, eugenin, caryophyllin & beta-carophyllene
- Fixed oil
- Tannins
- Gum/Resin
Medicinal actions:
- Analgesic
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Anti-platelet
- Carminative & Antispasmodic
- Cytotoxic
Mechanism of Action & Pharmacology:
- Volatile oil, eugenol appears primarily responsible for analgesic, antioxidant and antimicrobial effects.
- Eugenols analgesic properties may be mediated by α2-adrenergic and opioidergic receptors, and inhibition of calcium channels in afferent neurons when applied topically.
- Powdered herb
- Infusion
- Tincture
Safety & Toxicity Concerns:
- Clove oil may irritate mucosal tissues.
- Use caution with internal use in alcoholism, hemophilia, kidney or liver disease, prostate cancer or lupus.
- Mild potential for eugenol and clove oil to induce delayed skin hypersensitivity, or to elicit reactions due to pre-existing skin sensitization.
- Theoretical additive effect with other blood thinners (anticoagulants).